Viet Nam: Securing livelihoods through water supply and better agricultural practices
Published on 08 May 2023
The provision of the ‘last mile’ connection, coupled with better agricultural techniques, can strengthen farmers’ ability to cope with climate events.
The project aims at empowering vulnerable farmers to manage increasing climate risks to agricultural production by securing water availability, adopting climate-resilient agricultural practices, and strengthening access to actionable agroclimate information, credit and markets. The project is expected to be implemented during the timeline 2021-2026. It is also expected to build the ‘last mile’ of the irrigation infrastructure developed by the ADB8-WEIDAP project – an ADB-loan project of Government of Viet Nam. In details, the project expects to
- provide last mile connection activities from ADB8-WEIDAP’s infrastructure to farming lands of 4,765 households;
- build 1,159 climate-proof water storage systems (i.e. ponds) to increase access to water of agricultural activities;
- provide 8,621 households with vouchers on water efficiency instalment;
- provide trainings and other institutional measures to increase the access to water of these farmers,
- establish, operation and provide trainings to 21,228 HHs through 900 Farmer Field Schools (FFSs);
- provide vouchers on CRA inputs for 8,621 households; vii) establish Climate Innovation Platforms (CIPs) and provide trainings on access to market and credits in 5 provincial and 14 districts; and, viii) provide agrometeorology information services to smallholder farmers, with 139,316 HHs receiving those advisories.
Impact Evaluation timeline
Approaches to assess the impact
The evaluation follows a quasi-experimental design combining Differences-in-Differences and matching methods. Results are assessed on several different indicators related to agricultural yield, crop diversification, access to markets/credit, total income, knowledge/adoption of agricultural climate-resilient practices, food security, poverty incidence and overall resilience to extreme climate-related events. Final analysis of the baseline data is currently ongoing.