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Uganda survey

Uganda: Restoring wetland ecosystems to build resilience

Published on 05 May 2023


Reducing the pressures on wetlands through its demarcation and restoration is crucial to sustain its fundamental services to vulnerable communities and ensure food security.


This 8-year project (2017-2025) aims to tackle climate-related impacts and vulnerabilities of wetland ecosystems through restoring wetlands and their ecosystem services based on wise-use principles and guidelines as outlined by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. In particular, the project focuses on: 

  • restoration and management of wetland hydrology and associated catchments, 
  • improved agricultural practices and alternative livelihood options in the wetland catchment and 
  • strengthening access to climate and early warning information for farmers and other target communities to support wetland management.

Impact evaluation timeline

Inception (planning & setup)
Develop & pilot a survey instrument
Conduct a baseline survey & analysis
Programme / Project implementation
Conduct follow-up survey & analysis
Estimation of impact / final report writing
Dissemination of findings / evidence

Approaches to assess the impact

The impact evaluation of the “Building Resilient Communities, Wetland Ecosystems and Associated Catchments in Uganda” project adopts a longitudinal design (Difference-in-Difference) where different households are followed over time. Matching is also used to identify restoration groups (at the wetland level) with similar ecological and social indicators. Baseline data collection is currently ongoing.

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