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Mongolia: Improving herding practices for better livelihoods

Published on 05 May 2023


Unsustainable herding practices are leading to destabilization of income source of herding families, while further stressing increasingly fragile ecosystems. Enhancing water and soil management practices for small-scale herders is critical to cope with the effects of climate change.


This 6-year project (2023-2028) expects to bring together successful approaches to rangeland management and support climate resilience of 930,000 people in Mongolia’s pastureland and livestock sector. To achieve the project goal, the outputs include:

  • climate information integrated into land and water use planning at national and sub-national levels; 
  • climate-resilient water and soil management practices scaled up for enhanced small-scale herder resource management; and
  • herder capacity to access markets built for sustainably sourced, climate-resilient livestock products. 


Inception (planning & setup)
Develop & pilot a survey instrument
Conduct a baseline survey & analysis
Programme / Project implementation
Conduct follow-up survey & analysis
Estimation of impact / final report writing
Dissemination of findings / evidence

Approaches to assess the impact

Two designs are being considered to assess the impact of the “Improving adaptive capacity and risk management of rural communities in Mongolia”. The first is a quasi-experimental Difference-in-Difference (DiD) and the second design is a randomized control trial (RCT).

Get Involved

Are you interested in contributing to this project or the global response? We're looking for people who can contribute data and analyses, as well as organizations interested in partnerships and funding